Newbiemacs Homepage

Table of Contents


newbiemacs-screenshot.png Newbiemacs character by Artist Ujoo


  • Newbiemacs is a pre-configured GNU Emacs distribution inspired by Spacemacs.
  • Newbiemacs is desiged for mathematicians who are new to Emacs.

Main features of Newbiemacs

  • Organize your pdf and tex files.
  • Search pdf and tex files quickly.
  • Easy to use.
  • You can play the torus game!




  1. Install Emacs version 28.2. Click here to download an installation file.
  2. Install Git. (Type git --version in the terminal. If you don’t have it installed already, it will prompt you to install it.)
  3. Open a terminal and enter the following lines. (You can open the terminal by pressing Command+Space and typing "terminal". You can just copy the whole thing and then paste it in your terminal.)

    cd ~
    git clone nbm-root
    cp ~/nbm-root/.emacs ~/.emacs
  4. Run Emacs. It will take several minutes to download necessary packages. There may be some warnings but it's okay. When it's done, there will be a message at the bottom saying "For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a."
  5. Close Emacs and run it again. The Newbiemacs main screen will be shown.

Additional steps for latex on macOS (optional)

If you want to edit tex files in Newbiemacs, you need to do the following (only once).

  1. Install Skim and MacTeX (this is TeX Live for macOS).
  2. Open Skim and press CMD+, (Hold the command key and press the comma key.)
  3. Go to the Sync menu and check the two check boxes.
  4. Select Emacs in the drop-down box for Preset.
    • If this doesn't work try the following in skim option.
    • Select Preset: custom and enter the full path in the command field, e.g. /opt/homebrew/bin/emacsclient or /Applications/
    • Arguments should the the same things for Emacs, i.e. --no-wait +%line "%file".


  1. Install Emacs version 28.2. Click here to download an installation file.
  2. Install Git. Click here to download an installation file.
  3. Install Perl.
  4. Open "Command Prompt" (not "terminal" or "PowerShell") and enter the following lines. (You can just copy the whole thing and then paste it in your command prompt.)

    cd "%userprofile%"
    git clone nbm-root
    copy "%userprofile%\nbm-root\.emacs-windows" "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\.emacs"
  5. Run Emacs. It will take several minutes to download necessary packages. There may be some warnings but it's okay. When it's done, there will be a message at the bottom saying "For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a."
  6. Close Emacs and run it again. It will take some more time but eventually the Newbiemacs main screen will be shown.

Additional steps for latex on Windows (optional)

If you want to use latex in Newbiemacs, you need to do the following (only once).

  1. Install TeX Live. Click here (It may take about 2 hours.)
  2. Install Sumatra PDF. Click here (Download "Installer", not "Portable version".)
  3. Open Sumatra PDF and in the menu go to Settings and click Options....
  4. Enter the following line in the box below Set inverse search command-line.

    C:\Program Files\Emacs\emacs-28.2\bin\emacsclientw.exe -n +%l "%f"

    If the box is not visible, then in the menu go to Settings and click Advanced Options.... It will open a text file. Enter the following line anywhere there and save the file.

    InverseSearchCmdLine = C:\Program Files\Emacs\emacs-28.2\bin\emacsclientw.exe -n +%l "%f"


  1. Install Emacs version 28.1 or later (Install "GNU Emacs" using "Ubuntu Software" if you installed Ubuntu).
  2. Install necessary packages.

    sudo apt install gcc git
  3. Open a terminal and enter the following lines.

    cd ~
    git clone nbm-root
    cp ~/nbm-root/.emacs ~/.emacs
  4. Run Emacs. It will take several minutes to download necessary packages. There may be some warnings but it's okay. When it's done, there will be a message at the bottom saying "For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a."
  5. Close Emacs and run it again. The Newbiemacs main screen will be shown.

Additional steps for latex on GNU/Linux (optional)

If you want to edit tex files in Newbiemacs, you need to do the following (only once).

  1. Install necessary packages.

    sudo apt install texlive-full wmctrl



  • In this tutorial you will learn how to use Newbiemacs.
  • You can use the basic features of Newbiemacs in the following Newbiemacs screen. (To go to the Newbiemacs screen, type ALT-BACKSPACE, or Command-BACKSPACE in macOS.)


  • By default your Newbiemacs folder will be ~/newbiemacs (~ means your home folder.)
  • The current file name is shown at the bottom of the Newbiemacs screen.
  • Type F in the Newbiemacs screen to open the folder containing the current file.
  • Newbiemacs provides three editing styles, Vim, Emacs, and Windows (default). To change the editing style, type e in the Newbiemacs screen.
  • You can view the Newbiemacs cheat sheet by typing ? in the Newbiemacs screen.


  • In this tutorial we learn how to manage pdf and tex files.
  • The basic concept of managing files is to store these files in their directories and search them.
  • The directories for these files are under the newbiemacs folder.
  • To open the newbiemacs folder, type ALT-BACKSPACE (or Command-BACKSPACE in macOS) twice and then type F
  • The pdf and tex files will be stored in the pdf and tex folders under the newbiemacs folder.
  • You may manually move your files into one of these folders.

How to find pdf or tex file

  • Finding a file is very easy.
  • Type p or t in the Newbiemacs screen to find a pdf or tex file.
  • Type anything that you can remember about the file name.
  • It will list all files with the key words that you have entered there.
  • Choose the file that you want to open and press the enter key.

Add new pdf files

  • Note that it is important to have a good file name scheme so that we can search files easily.
  • The following methods will do this effortelessly.

How to add a pdf file from arxiv

  1. Visit the title page of a paper from
  2. (This may be omitted in macOS.) Copy the address of the page. For example, copy for the following paper.


  3. Go to your Emacs with the Newbiemacs main screen.
  4. Type a and follow the instructions at the bottom of the Emacs screen.
  5. It will save a pdf with name scheme such as "Author 1, Authur 2, Title".
  6. Now you can search the pdf by typing p in on the Newbiemacs main screen.

How to add a pdf file of a published paper

  1. Download a pdf file into your download folder.
  2. Go to MathSciNet or zbMATH (zbMATH is free).
  3. Search the paper there. You will see something like this.


  4. Click the Cite button. This will pop up a window like this.


  5. Click the Copy button.
  6. Go to your Emacs with the Newbiemacs main screen.
  7. Type m and follow the instructions at the bottom of the Emacs screen.
  8. It will save a pdf with name scheme such as "Author 1, Authur 2, Year, Title".
  9. Now you can search the pdf by typing p in on the Newbiemacs main screen.
  10. It will also ask if you want to create a bib item for this paper.

How to create a new tex file

  1. Type n in the Newbiemacs screen.
  2. Enter a file name for the new tex file. (The extension .tex is not needed. This name will also be the title inside the tex file.)
  3. Choose a template file. (For the default, just hit the enter key.)
  4. Now you can search the tex file by typing t in on the Newbiemacs main screen.


For more details, click the Newbiemacs manual.


How can I open the Newbiemacs directory?

  1. Type ALT-BACKSPACE twice and then type F

How can I update Newbiemacs?

  1. Type U in the Newbiemacs screen. (You may need to restart Emacs.)

How can I change the newbiemacs folder?

  1. Close Emacs and move the newbiemacs folder as you wish.
  2. Open ~/nbm-root/nbm-home.txt (This is the file containing the path to the Newbiemacs folder.)
  3. Update the old path with the new path.
  4. Start Emacs.

How can I use a spell-checker?

Check the section on "Spell checking" in the Newbiemacs manual.

How can change fontsize globally?

  • Add the following line in your user-init.el and change the number 150 as you want. (To open user-init.el, type SPC N c u.)

    (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 150)

How can I re-install Newbiemacs?

You can re-installing Newbiemacs keeping your Newbiemacs folder ~/newbiemacs. It will take much less than the actual installation.

  1. Delete the folder ~/nbm-root
  2. (For macOS or GNU/Linux) Enter the following in a terminal.

    cd ~
    git clone nbm-root
  3. (For Windows) Enter the following in Command Prompt.

    cd %userprofile%
    git clone nbm-root


Newbiemacs crashed! What should I do?

  1. Restart Newbiemacs.
  2. If it's still not working, re-install Newbiemacs.

I cannot compile bibtex.

  1. If there is a space in the path of your newbiemacs folder, you cannot compile bibtex.
  2. It is strongly recommended that you change your newbiemacs folder so that it has no space.
  3. If you need to use icloud, whose path is /Users/<username>/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs, you need to run the following in your terminal. (You have to change <username> with your actual username.)

    ln -s "/Users/<username>/Library/Mobile Documents" "/Users/<username>/Library/Mobile-Documents"

Torus Leader Board

rank name score level date
1 jia 576900 17 2023/02/28
2 jjh 459600 15 2023/03/25
3 U-keun 382200 13 2023/02/21
4 jangsoo 329700 13 2023/02/13

Author: Jang Soo Kim

Created: 2024-08-29 Thu 11:14
