Introduction to WeBWorK

Table of Contents


  • Webwork is an open-source online homework system.
  • For more information on Webwork check this page.
  • Webwork class webpages are listed here.
  • To see instructions on webwork click the buttons in the above tab.

Instructions for students

Video instruction

How to use webwork

Initial setup

  1. Find your class here.
  2. Login id is your student id. (Your account will be activated during the second week of the semester.)
  3. Initial password is your student id.
  4. Click User Settings in the sidebar and change your password.

How to view homework problems

  1. Click Homework Sets in the sidebar. It will show you homework sets and due dates.
  2. Click the homework set name that you want to view.
  3. You can view problems and submit your answers here.
  4. If you have questions, you can write a message to the instructor and TA by clicking Email Instructor.
  5. You can use various functions in your answers. Check this link: available functions
  6. You can also download a pdf file of the homework problems by clicking the Download PDF or TeX Hardcopy for Current Set button.

Contact information

  • If you have any questions about the system, please contact the webwork TA.
  • When you write an email to the webwork TA, you must tell him/her your student id and the class session number.

More information

Instructions for TAs

Video instruction

Main duties

Beginning of the semester

  • Add students to the webwork courses.
  • Import homework sets.

During the semester

  • Change homework dues if requested by professors.
  • Answer questions from students.

End of the semester

  • Send the final homework scores to the professors at the end of the semester.

Class webpages

How to add students to the system

  • You can add one student at a time manually or many students at once using a cvs file.
  • To do this, first login to the webwork class homepage where you want to add students.

Adding one student at a time

  1. Click Classlist Editor under Instructor Tools on the side bar.
  2. Click Add tap.
  3. Enter the number of students you want to add and click Take Action!.
  4. Enter students' information.

Adding many students at once

  • Classlist files
    • In order to add many students at once, you need to create a classlist file, which is a file with extension lst.
    • You can create a classlist file using Excel as follows.
  • Creating a classlist file (.lst file) using Excel
    1. Create an empty Excel file.
    2. Enter the student ids in the 1st and 9th columns.
    3. Enter the student names in the 2nd column. (Important: Student names must be in English, not in Korean.)
    4. Enter the letter C in the 4th column.
    5. Enter the email addresses in the 8th column.
    6. For example, if you have an excel file like this one, you should make an excel file like this one.
    7. Save the new excel file as a cvs file (.cvs). You should get a file like this.
    8. Find the file in your folder and change the extension from .cvs to .lst. The final file must be something like this.
  • Adding students
    1. Login to Webwork.
    2. Click File Manager under Instructor Tools on the side bar.
    3. Upload the lst file in templates folder.
    4. Click Classlist Editor under Instructor Tools on the side bar.
    5. Click Import tap and select the classlist file that you created above.
    6. Click Take Action!.

Importing homework sets

  1. Click Hmwk Sets Editor under Instructor Tools in the side bar.
  2. Click Import tap.
  3. For the first line Import how many sets?, select multiple sets.
  4. For the second line Import from where?, select the 14 files sethw1.def, …, sethw14.def. (You can use the shift key to select multiple files here.)
  5. Select all current users in the list dropdown button saying Assign this set of which users?.
  6. Click Take Action!.
  7. It will show 14 homework sets.

Changing homework dates

  1. Click Hmwk Sets Editor under Instructor Tools in the side bar.
  2. Click the pencil icon next the homework set you want to edit.
  3. Change the dates and click Take Action!.

Scoring tools (at the end of the semester)

  1. This should be done after the due of the final homework assignment.
  2. Click Scoring Tools under Instructor Tools in the side bar.
  3. Select all homework assignments and clink Score selected sets and save to.
  4. A cvs file is created and you can download it.
  5. Open the cvs file using Excel. If you cannot open the cvs file, change the extension to .txt and then try it again.
  6. Make an excel file that contains only 2 columns: Student ID and %scores.
  7. Send this excel file to the professor of your class.

Instructions for students and professors

Instructions for Professors

Video instruction

How to login to Webwork

  1. Find your class here.
  2. The course coordinator or the TA will send you your login id and password.
  3. Once you login, you can change the password by clicking User Settings in the sidebar.
  4. If you enter your email in User Settings, you will be able to receive questions from students through the system.

Observing student progress

  1. Click Student Progress under Instructor Tools in the side bar.
  2. You can check student progress by a homework set or by a student

Viewing homework problems

  1. Click Homework Sets in the sidebar. It will show you homework sets and due dates.
  2. Click the homework set name that you want to view.
  3. You can see each problem by clicking the problem number.
  4. You can also download a pdf file of the homework problems by clicking the Download PDF or TeX Hardcopy for Current Set button.

Homework dues

  • Since the due dates of the homework sets are determined by the schedule, please cover the topics as scheduled in syllabus.
  • The materials in each week must be covered by the end of the following week at the latest.
  • If you are not able to do this, please ask the TA to change the due date.

How to answer student's questions

  • Your students can ask questions by clicking a button when they are working on a homework problem.
  • When they do, you will receive an email that has a link to the problem.
  • Clink on the link and it will ask you to log in to the webwork page.
  • After logging in you can see the problem.
  • You can then reply to the student by email.
  • In most problems numbers are randomly generated. So what you see in a given problem is not exactly the same as what your students see.

Author: Jang Soo Kim

Created: 2023-02-19 Sun 08:46
